The USNA Class of 1970 Annual Meeting was held on October 26, 2013.
Class Vice President, Barry Steelman called the meeting to order at 12:00 at the tailgate for the Homecoming game against Pitt.
Barry welcomed all Classmates and their spouses and guests. A special welcome and introduction went to Classmate and CEO of the Navy Federal Credit Union, Cutler Dawson and to Pat Collins of Channel 4 TV (guest of Classmate Tom and Pat Bender).
Barry then introduced the other Class officers present, President Mike Novak and Membership Secretary Jerry Farrell. Treasurer Al Beatrice and Corresponding Secretary Royal Connell were unable to attend.
Barry then called upon each officer and/or committee chair to give their reports:
Treasurer’s Report by Al Beatrice sent in the following report:
Fund | Balance | Balance |
6/30/2013 | 9/30/2013 | |
1970 Capstone Seminar | $330,219 | $339,087 |
1970 Sailing Seminar | $29 | $29 |
1970 Project Undesignated | $609 | $622 |
1970 Class Checking | $53,146 | $50,735 |
Total | $384,003 | $390,473 |
Class Membership Report by Membership Secretary, Jerry Farrell:
Class Membership in Alumni Association: 60%
- Annual Members: 4% (Unchanged from last year)
- Life Members: 56%
Next Membership Drive will be in conjunction with our 45th Reunion
Classmates deceased since 2012 Meeting:
- Edward Wlodarczyk (14th Co)
- Mike Cosgrove (8th Co)
- Thomas "Stretch" MacKenzie (27th Co)
93 of those admitted with the Class in 1966 have passed away.
64 graduates have passed away.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report by Royal Connell’s Designee:
Barry mentioned that since Royal moved to Florida he was not able to attend the meeting in person, however his was report was as follows:
I want to thank those of you who have sent me emails and photos for the SHIPMATE. Remember that it is your article, and a way to pass along news to the rest of us. Keep those cards and letters coming, and make sure faces are recognizable in photos. And by the way, photos from most cell phones are too small or too grainy to publish, so either get a good phone/camera combination, or take a picture with a real camera. Ladies, I love to get news from the spouses, you're always more talkative about your husband’s than they are.
Royal Connell
Corresponding Secretary in absentia
Next, Barry Steelman as Chairman of the Governance Committee read the previous amendment to Sec. 5.8 of our Class By-Laws, a provision creating the Company and Battalion Reps organization structure. This was previously voted upon and approved by the Class Board of Trustees and Class Officers. There was a Motion to formally approve the addition of Sec. 5.8 to our Class By-Laws, after being seconded the Motion passed unanimously.
Mike Novak announced that Classmate Grant Thorpe has agreed to become the new Chairman of the Class Fundraising and Legacy Committee.
Barry next called upon our Reunion Committee Chairman, Dan Bowler for his report.
Dan reported as follows: USNA Alumni Association Reunion Coordinator is Ms. Holly Powers;; (410) 295-4017
Planning notes for our 45th reunion:
- 45th Reunion is scheduled for the weekend of Thursday, 22 Oct 2015, to Sunday, 25 Oct 2015.
- Louis Buck has stepped up and taken charge of the Hotel Sub-Committee. He now has signed contracts with Loews Hotel, O’Callaghan’s, Historic Inns of Annapolis, for the 45th reunion; he also has a commitment from the Westin Hotel
- This is USNA Homecoming Weekend.
- Annapolis will be busy
- Stadium and parking lot will be full
- Might impact golf get together as USNA Alumni Association will be hosting its annual Alumni Golf tournament that weekend
- Might impact other events as we will be “competing” with other classes returning for Homecoming
- Early planning is important
- The same basic schedule we had for the earlier reunions will be used for the 45th reunion:
- Reception on Thursday, 22 Oct
- Dinner on Friday, 23 Oct
- Game / Tailgate on 24 Oct
- Company get togethers on 22, 24, 25 Oct
- Golf on Friday or Saturday
- Tours available throughout the weekend
- Mike Novak coordinated last year with Company Reps to get an attendance estimate
- With 2nd Company still not reporting, we have 493 planned attendees with another 21 indicating they might attend; therefore 514 in the “yes” or “maybe” column.
- We had 810 attendees for the 40th reunion
- Gino Marchetti, 45th Reunion Tailgate Committee Chairman, has contacted USNA Athletic Association for use of the Class of 1953 Pavilion; he has approval for us to use the pavilion; he is also going to get either the Northeast or Northwest Class Ring area
- Reunion Handbook on the web site.
Similar organization as before with multiple sub-committees:
- Tailgate – Gino Marchetti
- Tours – Jim Linville
- Hotels – Louis Buck
- Reception
- I need to talk to Dan Rugg to see if he will chair this sub-committee
- Last two receptions were at Sailing Center; Dan has retired from Sailing Center
- Golf
- Golf at USNA Golf Course unlikely due to homecoming weekend
- Still searching for someone to chair this sub-committee; Bill Parks chaired last two reunions; he needs a relief
- Dinner Dance – Pete Roberts / Lloyd Eadie
- Hospitality Suite – Hillary Knieriem / Marijo Heyworth /Karen Young / Betsy Linville
- Supt’s Briefing / USNAAA Briefing – Jerry Farrell
- Online Registration / Web Site – Nick Visco
- Memorabilia
- Several have suggested we forego memorabilia and, instead, make a charitable donation to organizations supporting wounded warriors, veterans, etc.
- Transportation / Busses – Pat Dawson
- Badges – Ed Gumkowski
- Bike Ride – Grant Thorpe
- Memorial Service – Kerry Smith
- Budget – Lynn Widener
- Communications / Reunion Brochure – Barry Steelman
Gino Marchetti, Class of 1970 Tailgate Committee Chairman, gave the following report:
We renewed our space and tent for the 2013 season. 5 tailgates were planned. Two are to be catered and two are being hosted by classmates who are preparing the meal. The last tailgate, South Alabama game, is planned to be pot luck. Let me know if you have other ideas for these events, or suggestions for improvement.
We reserved the '53 pavilion for the 45th reunion in October 2015. More info will be provided as we get closer to that date.
Barry Steelman gave the following Army Navy Tailgate report:
We already have nearly 100 guests signed up to attend this year’s Class of 1970 Army game Tailgate on Saturday December 14, 2013 in Philadelphia. We will be using the same caterer that we have hired for the past four years, Big Bama. Barry asked if anyone could bring up an RV to please let him know right away. He also asked that people pay the $25.00 a person for everyone in their group as soon as possible.
Capstone Report by Gary Knight:
As you know, our class has chosen to support the Admiral James Stockdale Leadership Center's Capstone Leadership Seminar program financially. The Class of 70 is called upon four times a year (twice a semester) to provide six facilitators at the Capstone program for 1/c Midshipman. This past September at our first such date, we were also joined by our classmate John Nathman (Admiral, Ret) who spoke as the pre-luncheon speaker on leadership and tactics at the fleet and theater level. It was very enlightening.
All our classmates who have volunteered to assist in this program all agree that we get as much out of the program as do the Mids. So when you see the email from me or Mike Novak or Nick Visco soliciting volunteers, please do not hesitate to respond immediately if you have an interest, as the slots fill up fast.. Even if you don't know anything about it, if you are free on the days listed, please step forward. I can always send you material to get you up to speed.
Finally, if you give a financial contribution to the USNA Foundation, please put on your check that your donation is for either Class of 70 projects or for the Capstone Seminar Program.
Another Link in the Chain committee Report by Gary Knight:
President Mike Novak has asked me to chair our class' activities in the Another Link in the Chain program. Again, this is an exercise that did not exist when we were here and we wished it were. Beginning in the summer of 2016, our class will be the "sponsor class" for the Class of 2020, which is 50 classes behind ours. I will be calling on many of you to volunteer for participation in this activity. With the guidance of the alumni association, we will be organizing events such as a welcoming picnic for the new Plebes and their families, as well as other events through their four years.
One thing that sponsoring classes do is donate class rings to be melted down and mixed with virgin gold for creating the Class of 2020's rings. Another is at their graduation to donate swords for certain graduates of 2020. I've already determined that I will donate my own sword for this purpose.
So, consider if you can help when I ask for volunteers for this program three years from now.
Distinguished Graduate Award Update by Class President Mike Novak:
Mike announced that there were two new members of the Class of 1970 nominated for Distinguished Graduate Awards for 2014. Bill King nominated Rear Admiral Woody Sutton and Barry Steelman nominated Admiral Ed Giambastiani. Mike also stated that he resubmitted the applications of Major General Leo Williams and Vice Admiral Mike Malone, both of whom had previously been nominated. He stated that with another classmate winning the award this year, the Class of 1970 would have three consecutive DGA winners.
Old Business (if any)
New Business (open to floor).
Classmate John Montgomery was given the floor to advise the class that the Boy Scouts of America, National Capital Area Council, was honoring Classmate Woody Sutton at the National Capital Area Council’s Tenth Annual Financial Services “Good Scout” Award Dinner, being held on Thursday November 7, 2013. John encouraged everyone to either attend or to support the event with a contribution in Woody’s honor.
Adjourn until annual meeting of 2015, unless another meeting is schedule sooner.
Updated: October 06, 2018
Curator: Ed Moore